ENO Hammocks

Speaking of leisure, here’s the first thing I’m gonna share: the amazing-ness that is ENO double-nest hammocks which we (leisurely) enjoyed several times while travelling overland last week.


to each their own, ENO hammock; too good to share

Sure, who doesn’t like a hammock, right? But, this hammock is no ordinary hammock. It’s an ENO hammock; which, made of parachute material, is strong, lightweight, compact and quick-drying. It sets up super-quick between many distances because of its “slap-straps” so there’s no knot-knowing needed (say that five times fast!).

While these hammocks are perfect for lounging, we’ve also found that with ENO’s rain-fly and mosquito net systems, we don’t even need a tent when camping (bye-bye uncomfortable pebble-mattress).

We’ve travelled with our ENOs over land and sea for the past few years and they’ve held up remarkably well (we do take care to keep them out of the sun when not in use).

Warning: the only “bad” thing about having an ENO hammock is that you won’t want to share. Sure, relaxing in an ENO with your buddy (human or otherwise, see below) can be fine for a while. But, unless you like sleeping head-to-foot or squished up like a fold-over, I’d suggest you get your own.

Our ENOs in action . . .