Headed out tomorrow!

Hi all!

I have so much to say, but mainly “thanks” comes to mind.  So many folks have made our home such a hard place to leave – how blessed we are to have a great place to miss.   Thank you all for making such an impact on our lives, saying you’ll come for a visit and for believing in us when we said “yeah, you know, we’re gonna live on a boat”.

We leave tomorrow a.m. and will be updating y’all as we get on down the road, literally and figuratively, of course.

For those who are interested, here’s our general plan for our land travel to the boat:  Austin->Houston for Christmas with D’s Aunts->Mobile, AL->Panama City, FL area for exploring and hanging with friends->Crystal River, FL (manatees, what, what!?!)->Punta Gorda (boat time!) by New Year’s.

Once we get to the boat, we have a lot of packing, re-packing, provisioning and learning-to-sail to do.  Once all of that is “completed” we aim to traverse the Okeechobee canal in mid-January to meet up with my Dad, Mom and kick-ass 91-year old Grandmother for a quick visit and boat blessing.  Then, it’s on to our first major sail:  crossing the Gulf Stream (you’ve seen Finding Nemo, right?) to Bimini, The Bahamas.     Oh, The Bahamas . . .

But, for now, we still have a lot of packing to do (how many jars of Salsa Verde and Tito’s can I fit in the truck???) . . . so, until we meet again my friends, adios and we’ll see ya back here soon.

love, love, love,