We’ve got issues – the skinny

USCG aboard Mother Jones

So, yep, that just happened.

On the passage from Jamaica to Providencia (where we safely sit and send this update) we had multiple systems fail (steering, engine, shredded sail and leaks into the bilges).   At 12:30am on Sunday morning, 130 miles from Providencia, we decided to call the Coast Guard, who arrived later in the day, patched us up and were generally awesome.

Now, we’re all safe and sound here in Providencia and will start work taking the boat apart to put it back together again as soon as we get some rest.

Needless to say, it’s not all cheeseburgers in paradise, Jimmy.  Although, we’d certainly love one right about now.

More soon . . .

-L, D & Mr. K

Ps.  I haven’t spoken with my Mom yet, but I’m pretty sure getting a phone call from the Coast Guard ranks up top with the best of the worst.Mother’s.Day.presents.ever.  Sorry, Mom.  But, hey, look at the bright side, in terms of being a kid that still freaks you out sometimes, “I still got it, eh?”.

Click here to jump to the rest of the story: We’ve Got Issues, The Whole Enchilada